Paris Toon
Paris Toon is the award-winning lyricist, producer and musical enigma known as Mothers Favorite Child. This “brainchild” actually originated within the soul of a man whose vision has traveled far beyond the trends of the industry and landed on music charts, playlists and stages all around the globe. The music is its own brand of Soul, attracting independent and seasoned artists alike. With new recordings steadily pouring out The intentions of the music of Mothers Favorite Child are clearly to revive the true spirit of creativity with honest music; from the soul. It is time for a new music renaissance that embraces the most valuable qualities of songwriting and musicianship. It is time to experience Mothers Favorite Child.

Currently, Saeeda is one of the lead vocalist for Mothers Favorite Child and is working to complete her self-titled debut album “Saeeda”. Along with performing, Saeeda is a dedicated vocal coach, helping other aspiring vocalists, performers, and speakers to reach their full potential. Saeeda was also one of Prince’s vocalist and can be heard on some of his songs.